About a year ago, I experienced what we all do sooner or later in the course of our face-to-face teaching careers: something terrible and unexpected happened in class. In my case, a student collapsed and became unresponsive*.*The student was okay,…
Category: Cognitive Psychology and Learning
Fifteen must-read classic books on human psychology, and what I’m reading (and writing) next
Posted in Academic Life, Cognitive Psychology and Learning, and Higher Education
The making and execution of summer reading lists is a ritual I’ve slowly come around to appreciating.
A new replication study revives the question: Is taking notes by hand really better for students?
Posted in Cognitive Psychology and Learning, Higher Education, and Technology
It’s not the modality of or tools used for notetaking, but the thought processes that go along with it, that matter.
Leadership and learning sciences: Better teaching from the top down
Posted in Cognitive Psychology and Learning, and Higher Education
Faculty benefit from professional development that focuses on the science of learning. But are faculty the ones who need it the most?
Can a textbook change your life?
Posted in Cognitive Psychology and Learning, Higher Education, Technology, and Trends and Change
One did for me, and now I wonder what’s next.